
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Etsy Updates- Three Birds

Hi everyone,
Apologies for the absence! The past couple weeks have been super hectic with day-job stuff, a little weekend trip w/o internet, jury duty and lots of errands (as well as life's little unexpected things to contend with, (I'm talking to you, IRS!).
All in all, nothing too bad but definitely time consuming and kind of tiring.

Yesterday I got news of some *possible* upcoming Etsy press so I decided to regroup and make a quick small-batch update. Taking into consideration all inquiries and possible *reserved* dolls, I've selected three that I will list in my Etsy shop around midnight tonight (in about 2 hours).

I have also *just* finished the last of the other birds you saw in the previous pictures (details and such). My fingers are raw now but of course, I already have my next priorities in hand (literally) and will also be addressing questions I've received about my last couple of posts. ((I hadn't finished those last details for the flock which in-turn made it kind of impossible to answer some of the doll inquiries I had gotten thus far- Sorry for the delay but I've taken them all under consideration and will address them accordingly).

Here are the dolls that will go in tonight:


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